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On Sunday, Donald Trump announced that he picked Brendan Carr as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Carr is an FCC Commissioner and wrote Project 2025’s chapter on the FCC. The FCC has wide regulatory power over communications made over radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable broadcasts, the internet, and satellite signals.
After I called out Brendan Carr’s Project 2025 ties on Twitter, Carr replied to my post at 2:20 am, saying, “I’m sorry this happened to you.” The next morning, because I’m not up at 2 am fighting with people on the internet, I replied with a question:
“While I have you here, will you definitively rule out targeting the broadcast licenses of news networks Trump disagrees with? He’s called on the licenses of multiple networks to be revoked. You claim to be a free speech champion, so this answer should be a no-brainer.
I’ve yet to get a response to my question.
At least we know reply guys who search their own name on Twitter at 2 am will have proper representation in Trump’s administration. A true DEI hire. Cheers to my new status on the enemies list 🙌🏾.
Jokes aside, Brendan Carr has been auditioning to be Trump’s FCC Chairman for a while now. Most recently, the day before the election, Carr told Fox News Host Maria Bartiromo that he would be open to revoking NBC’s license after they had Kamala Harris on SNL, but didn’t give equal time to Donald Trump.
The ramifications of selecting a Trump loyalist like Brendan Carr are wide-ranging. Carr could execute on Trump’s wishes to target broadcast licenses of news networks he disagrees with, he could change net neutrality rules, and he could grant Elon Musk billions in subsidies for Starlink.
Another thing to note is the fact Trump spent months lying about his ties to Project 2025 only for him to immediately appoint an author of the playbook. My call out of Carr’s Project 2025 ties was cited in Newsweek.
I broke down my interaction with Carr and what his appointment would mean in the video above. Check it out!
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